Let the Kids Draw!

Jul 26, 2013

I recently got a humbling email from Don Masse, an elementary school teacher down at Zamorano Fine Arts Academy in San Diego.  He came across my art, liked it, and decided to share it with his Kindergarten kids for an art project.  They used one of my liquid wave illustrations as inspiration and look what they came up with...  so cool...

abel_mod_waves2_web abel_don_k_3_web   These are just a few, read more about what Don had them do and see more masterpieces here...

>> More Kindergarten Class Wave Drawings >>

And most recently, Don had his 2nd graders give my illustration,"Glow With the Flow" a shot...



abel_don_2nd_3_web Read about it and see more drawings here...

>> More 2nd Grade Drawings of "Glow With the Flow" >>

A big thanks to Don, this made my day.  So great to see how all these kids interpret my art work. Takes me back to the early days of copying Ed Emberley and Mark Kistler's Draw Squad books, when I could just lay on the floor, doodle and watch cartoons all day.